

Sure, there are worse things in life, but let's face it, having a bad hair day can make you downright cranky. Whether you've got the frizzies, fine hair, dry hair, or just haven't had a chance to wash your hair, when your crowning glory is misbehavin' it can ruin even the best of times. But before you reach for that baseball cap -- or worse yet those sewing shears -- there's something you should know: You can turn bad hair days into, well, stylishly acceptable days, with far less effort that you think. Where do you start? According to Beverly Hills hairdresser Nick Chavez, it all begins with a great haircut.
"If your hair is fine and limp go for a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. The new technologies can really build body into your hair and make a huge difference when it comes to styling," he says. Other products, including his own "hair flocker," actually thicken hair on the spot, making it look fuller so it needs less styling effort. If hair is damaged, look for the best salon-quality shampoo and conditioner you can afford. And be sure your hair care also includes a leave-in conditioner."Get the very best haircut you can afford, because in the end, it's the cut that determines how easy your hair will be to style.

No other song in existence controls my brain like “Life on Mars.” I am often scared by the power it has over me. To listen to it is to guarantee that I will break out in tears, every single time. This isn’t because it inspires great feelings of sadness, or joy, or nostalgia. This is something chemical. It’s a purely involuntary response, like when the doctor hits your knee with a tiny hammer and your leg kicks out. And the trigger is one specific moment:

The note his voice hits at the beginning of the chorus — “SAIL-ors, fighting in the dance hall” — combined with the swooping strings. With that one combination of soundsNo other song in existence controls my brain like “Life on Mars.” I am often scared by the power it has over me. To listen to it is to guarantee that I will break out in tears, every single time.


I have asked myself this question, and I know people who ask themselves this question. I can't tell you why, but I can point you in the right direction. Don't look outside of yourself for happiness. You won't find it there. You will only find true happiness inside. We often interact with things which conjure a sense of happiness. But! That happiness did not come from those things.

No, that happiness came from inside of you. It was only coaxed out by something which you enjoyed. But those things go away, and then we are left without happiness — or so it feels. You must grow your happiness, tend to it like a garden. Do things that make you happy.)

Happiness isn't always as simple as having a good life. It can come down to the finer details, such as, you may have a good life and recognize it, but are you still unhappy with things you lack? Are you having issues that make it hard to appreciate what you have because having a good life doesn't solve your problems? Or it could come down to you having a psychological disorder, a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Chemical imbalances don't discriminate and people with the best lives, those who have it ALL can still wind up with depression or another mental illness. In these situations, it may take them seeking professional help from a counselor or psychiatrist in order to find a way to balance out their brain chemicals so they are ABLE to feel happy again.

High Kings of Ireland

The history of the High Kings of Ireland is one of the more significant parts of Irish history or culture. A High King of Ireland is a historical figure in Ireland, also known as an Ard Rí who claimed Lordship of the country. The list of High Kings of Ireland go back thousands of years, dating back to the second millennium BC. The list of High Kings of Ireland is to somewhat extent, endless. Whilst parts of the list, which at it’s most earliest, can be classed mythical,it is unclear at what point the list begins to refer to historical individuals, and also at what point these individuals can genuinely be said to be “High Kings” in the later sense of the word. Some of the High Kings appear in other historical tales of Irish history.Each king ruled his own lands.


It's no secret that a large number of Millennials are in financial distress. Student loan debt and low-paying jobs are big factors, but there's also another, lesser-know culprit. Add "FOMO spending" to the list. In a new study of 1,045 Americans aged 18-34, nearly 40 percent said they have gone into debt just to keep up with their friends' lifestyles. Most commonly, they combat their FOMO--shorthand for "fear of missing out"--by spending on food, travel, clothes, alcohol, and electronics. The study was conducted by research firm Qualtrics and personal finance company Credit Karma.

The good news is that more than half of those surveyed say they spend money they don't have on lifestyle purchases a maximum of once per year. Unfortunately, 21 percent admitted to engaging in FOMO spending at least once per month. More than a third of participants in the study "doubt they can keep up with their friends for another year without going into debt." The researchers attribute the findings to social anxiety, writing that 36 percent of Millennials "spend money they don't have because they're afraid they won't be included in a future activity if they don't.


This research concerns the birth rate, crude ( per 1000 women) and Capital health expenditure (% of GDP) in the countries mentioned. It does not take into account the mortality rate of infants. It is interesting to note that the highest birth rate transpires where the least amount of money is spent on healthcare.


Sure, there are worse things in life, but let's face it, having a bad hair day can make you downright cranky. Whether you've got the frizzies, fine hair, dry hair, or just haven't had a chance to wash your hair, when your crowning glory is misbehavin' it can ruin even the best of times. But before you reach for that baseball cap -- or worse yet those sewing shears -- there's something you should know: You can turn bad hair days into, well, stylishly acceptable days, with far less effort that you think. Where do you start? According to Beverly Hills hairdresser Nick Chavez, it all begins with a great haircut.
"If your hair is fine and limp go for a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. The new technologies can really build body into your hair and make a huge difference when it comes to styling," he says. Other products, including his own "hair flocker," actually thicken hair on the spot, making it look fuller so it needs less styling effort. If hair is damaged, look for the best salon-quality shampoo and conditioner you can afford. And be sure your hair care also includes a leave-in conditioner."Get the very best haircut you can afford, because in the end, it's the cut that determines how easy your hair will be to style.

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