
Emigration from Ireland to the four corners of the world is at its highest levels since the Famine, according to year-end figures released by the Irish government. An average of 200 people a day left Ireland last year with Britain, America, Australia Canada and New Zealand the top destinations. The same day the government announced that the number of Irish people singing on for the dole fell according to trade union SIPTU.
The union’s economist Marie Sherlock said: “Just under 8,000 craft workers left the live register over the last 12 months to December 2012. This exodus of craft workers off the live register and presumably out of the country, accounts for almost three-quarters of the fall in numbers signing on during 2012.” Last year 87,000 people left Ireland. As many as 16,000 came to this country according to the UK Department of Work and Pensions. A further 4,938 Irish citizens received permanent residency in Australia and 4,564 in New Zealand (a 40 per cent increase in four years ago).


On St. Patrick's Day, you're likely to see plenty of leprechauns. These mythical creatures are the small fairy folk of Irish legends. They're traditionally portrayed as snappy dressers in green suits with hats and buckled shoes. Leprechauns are small. Some pictures show them tiny enough to sit on your shoulder, while others claim they're about the size of small children. Leprechauns are known to be practical jokers who love to play tricks on humans. Even though they're occasionally mischievous, they are intelligent creatures that are mostly harmless.

Irish legends hold that leprechauns are shoemakers. They supposedly store all the gold coins they earn in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The legend of the pot of gold is popular, and many people have been known to chase rainbows in search of leprechauns and their gold. Supposedly, if you catch a leprechaun, he will grant you three wishes in return for his freedom. St. Patrick's Day festivities would not be complete without leprechauns, since they're known to be great musicians, too. Leprechauns can play a variety of traditional Irish instruments, such as tin whistles, the fiddle, and the Irish harp. The name leprechaun has an uncertain origin. Some believe it derives from the Old Irish words for “small" and “body." Others believe the term may have come from the Irish words for shoemaker. Ready to catch a leprechaun? Before you say "yes," you should know that it's no easy feat to catch a leprechaun. They're small and quite sneaky. That being said, we have confidence that you have the skill and brain power to catch one.

Mobile App

A mobile app user interface that enables people to communicate by translating pictures into text messages.

This app makes it easy to organize information, monitor health, and coordinate with health care providers.

ON GOING Date September Client Peacetree Landscape & Arborist Project Website, logo, business cards, car decals, shirts, and swag” package Phase I Phase II Logo We will present several logo ideas for you to choose from. Initial Marketing Materials (website, business cards, vehicle decals) We will present several design themes for the website using Wix based on your logo choice. After choosing one, we will populate the site with content that you provide, including words and photos. We will also present several design options for the business cards and vehicle decals. Phase III Phase IV Secondary Marketing Material (shirts and swag) We will present several design themes for shirt designs. We will also present swag designs for feedback. Final products We will present a final website ready for launching, the swag, and the initial marketing materials ready for printing. Deliverables Logo Website Business Cards Vehicle decals Shirts Swag: Gloves,

ON GOING Date September Client Peacetree Landscape & Arborist Project Website, logo, business cards, car decals, shirts, and swag” package Phase I Phase II Logo We will present several logo ideas for you to choose from. Initial Marketing Materials (website, business cards, vehicle decals) We will present several design themes for the website using Wix based on your logo choice. After choosing one, we will populate the site with content that you provide, including words and photos. We will also present several design options for the business cards and vehicle decals. Phase III Phase IV Secondary Marketing Material (shirts and swag) We will present several design themes for shirt designs. We will also present swag designs for feedback. Final products We will present a final website ready for launching, the swag, and the initial marketing materials ready for printing. Deliverables Logo Website Business Cards Vehicle decals Shirts Swag: Gloves,
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